How to register at the Dutch Brussels Bar

You graduated in law from a foreign university, are a member of a foreign Bar Association and you wish to register at the Brussels Bar?

You will find the needed information in the Vademecum-for-European-and-non-European-lawyers.

Lawyers who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union are entitled to establish themselves in Belgium and will normally ask registration on the “EU-list”. Lawyers who are nationals of third countries (i.e. non-EU Member States) may also practice in Belgium on a permanent basis and, for that purpose, request registration on the “B-list”.


Practical information

Registration on the EU-or B- list of the ‘Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten te Brussel’, is subject to a registration fee of 300 €. This amount has to be paid in advance on the account number:

IBAN: BE68 6300 2220 0834


An annual membership fee is also payable. For an EU-member the membership fee includes presently a premium for professional liability insurance. It is possible to obtain extra coverage on payment of an additional premium. If an  equivalent professional liability insurance is included in the membership fee, which is paid by a lawyer wishing to register on the EU list to the Bar of her/his home country, s/he may apply for a refund of part of the annual membership fee.

EU-members are subject to permanent education requirements, but may invoke permanent education undertaken in their home Bar Association to meet local requirements.


A B-list candidate has to send the proof of the insurance coverage for his activities as a lawyer in Belgium.

A questionnaire regarding registration on the EU or B-list should be completed and returned to the Secretariat of the NOAB together with a certificate of good standing issued by the home country Bar Association.



More information

You can find additional information on the website of the Flemish Bar Association (Orde van Vlaamse Balies – OVB) here.



Dutch Brussels Bar
Palace of Justice
1000 Brussels

Tel. 02/508 67 62
Fax 02/514 22 66

KBO nr: 248012469

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