
This is a local government area, part of the territory of a state. There are two kinds of district in Belgium:

  • judicial districts
    Each judicial district has a number of courts. Each judicial district has a court of first instance, to which the criminal court, civil and youth courts, a commercial court and labour tribunal belong. Each judicial district also has its own Bar. There are 28 judicial districts in Belgium, and hence 28 Bars, 14 Flemish-speaking (belonging to the Flemish-speaking Bar) and 14 Walloons (belonging to the French- and German-speaking Bars).
  • administrative districts
    Within each province, a number of parishes constitute an administrative district. This is an administrative unit, which is relevant during elections, for example. There are 41 administrative districts in Belgium.


Dutch Brussels Bar
Palace of Justice
1000 Brussels

Tel. 02/508 67 62
Fax 02/514 22 66

KBO nr: 248012469

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